



7-12 Math Curriculum Map


Grade 7


Math 7



Accelerated Pre-Algebra


Accelerated Algebra I


Grade 8


Algebraic Concepts




Accelerated Algebra I


Honors Algebra II



Grade 9


Academic Algebra I




Honors Algebra II


Honors Geometry


Grade 10


Algebra II



Academic Algebra II


Honors Algebra II


Honors Geometry

Honors Pre-Calculus

AP Pre-Calculus


Grade 11


Academic Geometry


Honors Geometry

Honors Pre-Calculus

AP Pre-Calculus



Honors Calculus I

AP Calculus AB



Grade 12

Algebra III with Trigonometry

Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry

Honors Pre-Calculus

AP Pre-Calculus


Honors Calculus I

or AP Calculus AB

Honors Calculus II

or AP Calculus BC


Academic Statistics


Academic Statistics


Academic Statistics


 Based on PSSA, Keystone exam performance and teacher recommendation, students may move between columns. In any track, after completing Accelerated Algebra I or Academic Algebra I, a student may “double-up” and take Geometry concurrently with any level of Algebra II.  AP or Honors Statistics may be elected after successful completion of Algebra II.  As an elective, this course is designed to be taken in addition to a primary math course and not interrupt the typical math sequence.  During the senior year, AP or Honors Statistics can be utilized as a primary math course.  Academic Statistics is designed to provide a basic understanding of descriptive and inferential statistics.

074      MATH 7                                                                                
8 Periods/Cycle/All Year

To prepare students for success in Algebra I and the current requirements of the 7th grade PSSA test, this course will introduce the fundamental algebra skills involving variables, expressions, and equations. The focus of this course is on mathematical discourse and problem-solving.

003      ACADEMIC ALGEBRA I                                                                   
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

Algebra 1 is the foundational course in mathematics. Students in this course will learn fundamental algebraic skills necessary for higher level math courses.The topics included are linear equations and inequalities, exponents and polynomials, functions and coordinate geometry, systems of equations and inequalities, irrational numbers, factoring, and solving quadratic equations. Problems illustrating the uses of algebra are constantly included.

072      ACCELERATED PRE-ALGEBRA                                  
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

This course will prepare students for Accelerated Algebra I and the 7th grade PSSA.  Concepts taught in this class will include operations with integers and rational numbers, equations and expressions, inequalities, ratios and proportions, geometry, probability, area, surface area, volume, and statistics.  Exponents and linear equations will also be introduced.  The focus of this course is on mathematical discourse and problem-solving.

8 Periods/Cycle/All Year

This course is a continuation of the arithmetic principles and their uses in algebra. The topics included are solving linear equations, exponents, polynomials, factoring, algebraic fractions, functions, systems of equations, inequalities, irrational numbers, and solving quadratic equations. Problems illustrating the uses of algebra are integrated throughout the year. Student placement in this course is dependent on teacher and counselor recommendation and final grades.

083      ALGEBRAIC CONCEPTS                                                            
1 Credit
8 Periods/Cycle/All Year

This course is a continuation of the arithmetic principles and their uses in algebra. The topics included are solving linear equations, exponents, polynomials, factoring, algebraic fractions, functions, systems of equations, inequalities, irrational numbers, and solving quadratic equations. Problems illustrating the uses of algebra are constantly included.

005      HONORS ALGEBRA II                                                                 
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

Honors Algebra II is a second-year algebra course with emphasis on mathematical proofs and on the properties and structure of algebra and number systems. The first part of the course is a reinforcement and extension of basic concepts of Algebra and then continues with topics such as: inequalities and algebraic proofs, linear equations and functions, products and factors of polynomials, rational and irrational expressions, complex numbers, quadratic equations and functions, variation and polynomial equations, analytic geometry, exponents, logarithmic functions, sequences and series. Course 005 is a weighted honors high school course, therefore, 8TH grade students who are enrolled in 005 will receive honors weighting for successful completion of the course with a final grade of A or B.  The successful completion of Algebra I or Accelerated Algebra I is a prerequisite, along with teacher recommendation.

008      ALGEBRA II                                                                                    
1 Credit  
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

This course stresses the basic elements of Algebra II in an introductory and non-theoretical manner. The content includes a review of the advanced skills of arithmetic and elementary algebra.  Topics include, but are not limited to, fractions, decimals, percentages, algebraic fractions, and solving equations. Emphasis will be placed on further algebra topics including, but not limited to, factoring, graphing, and solving systems of equations. Topics in elementary geometry may also be included. The successful completion of Algebra I or Academic Algebra I is a prerequisite.

002      ACADEMIC ALGEBRA II                                                            
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

The course is a continuation of the first course in Algebra. This course covers a review of the basic concepts of Algebra and then continues with topics on: inequalities and algebraic proofs, linear equations and functions, products and factors of polynomials, rational and irrational expressions, complex numbers, quadratic equations and functions, variation polynomial equations, and data analysis. Analytic geometry, exponential and logarithmic functions, and sequences and series may be included. The successful completion of Algebra I or Academic Algebra I is a prerequisite.

014      ALGEBRA III WITH TRIGONOMETRY                                  
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

The first semester of this course focuses on concepts from Algebra II including equations and inequalities, functions, polynomial and rational expressions and equations, radicals and complex numbers and analytic geometry. The second semester explores exponential and logarithmic functions, sequences and series, and triangle trigonometry, including identities and applications. This course is intended to bridge the gap between Algebra II and Pre-Calculus. Course admission is based on teacher recommendation and achievement in Algebra II.

030      ALGEBRA STRATEGIES I                                                          
0.5 Credit 
6 Periods/Cycle/One Semester

This course is designed to improve proficiency in algebra skills for students enrolled in Algebra I. The following content areas will be emphasized: operations with real numbers and expressions, linear equations and inequalities, functions, coordinate geometry, and data analysis. Various strategies for problem solving will be emphasized and real-life applications will be stressed. Students will develop clear and accurate descriptions of their work using appropriate mathematical vocabulary. Calculator skills will be reinforced. Individual needs will be diagnosed and progress monitored.

031      ALGEBRA STRATEGIES II                                                         

0.5 Credit                                                                                                           
6 Periods/Cycle/One Semester

This course is designed to improve proficiency in algebra skills for students enrolled in Algebra II. The following content areas will be mastered: operations with real numbers and expressions, linear equations and inequalities, functions, coordinate geometry, and data analysis. Various strategies for problem solving will be emphasized and real-life applications will be stressed. Students will develop clear and accurate descriptions of their work using appropriate mathematical vocabulary. Calculator skills will be reinforced. Individual needs will be diagnosed and progress monitored.

1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

This course serves two purposes: 1) reinforce the concepts and skills of Algebra and geometry, and 2) introduce the concepts of trigonometry and coordinate geometry. Included are topics in algebra and geometry, theory of equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, matrices, conic sections, and trigonometry. Throughout the course the functions concept is the unifying idea. Successful completion of Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry are prerequisites.

009      HONORS PRE-CALCULUS                                                         
1 Credit     
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

Honors Pre-calculus, as a prerequisite for calculus, includes all the mathematical concepts necessary to complete a rigorous honors level high school mathematics curriculum.  In addition to a review of algebra and an introduction to trigonometry, the course explores sequences, series, functions, limits, exponential and logarithmic functions, matrices, conic sections, vectors, probability and an introduction to calculus. Honors Pre-Calculus Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Algebra II and Honors Geometry with final grades of an A or B or successful completion of Algebra II and Geometry with the final grades of an A.  Both cases also require a teacher recommendation.

001      HONORS GEOMETRY                                                                 
1 Credit 
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year     

This course is a thorough study of two and three-dimensional geometries, including elementary analytical geometry. An emphasis is placed upon deductive reasoning in problem solving. Topics include elementary logic, lines, planes, parallelism, perpendicularity, constructions, angles, triangles, trigonometry, congruence, areas and volumes of polygons, circles, polyhedrons and spheres. Successful completion of Algebra I is a prerequisite.

006      ACADEMIC GEOMETRY                                                            
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

Geometry includes the concepts of two and three-dimensional Euclidean geometry with emphasis on deductive reasoning in problem solving. The topics included are elementary logic, lines, planes, angles, perpendicularity, parallelism, triangles, congruence, inequalities, ratio and proportion, similarity, trigonometry, circles and their properties, perimeter, area, volume, coordinate geometry and constructions. Successful completion of Algebra I is required.


1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

Academic Calculus is designed to review and extend the concepts of mathematics studied in previous courses and to introduce the fundamental concepts of college mathematics, especially calculus. The topics to be covered include real numbers and their properties, polynomials, factoring, algebraic fractions, linear equations and functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, probability and statistics, limits, continuity, derivatives and their applications, and integrals and their use in finding areas and volumes. Business applications of these concepts will include supply and demand functions and cost, revenue, and profit functions. Successful completion of a trigonometry course is a prerequisite. This course may not be taken for credit after successful completion of Honors or AP Calculus.

013      AP PRE-CALCULUS                                                                     
1 Credit 
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

AP Pre-calculus serves two goals: providing students that plan to take AP Calculus AB/BC with a strong AP-level foundation for upper-level math, and providing college-bound students who will not take Calculus with an opportunity to explore college-level mathematics and potentially earn college credit for their success on the AP exam. In addition to a review of algebra and an introduction to trigonometry, the course explores sequences, series, functions, limits, exponential and logarithmic functions, matrices, conic sections, vectors, probability and an introduction to calculus. AP Pre-Calculus Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Algebra II and Honors Geometry with final grades of an A or B, or successful completion of Academic Geometry and Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry with a final grade of A or B, or successful completion of Algebra III with Trigonometry with a final grade of A. All cases also require a teacher recommendation. Students may not take Honors Pre-Calculus and then AP Pre-Calculus for credit.

010      HONORS CALCULUS                                                                   
1 Credit
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

The materials presented in Honors Calculus do not complete an advanced placement course recognized by the CEEB but can suffice to give some students advanced status at some schools in certain cases. Topics include review of previous material, limit of a function, continuity, the derivative, the definite integral, differentiation and integration of algebraic and transcendental functions, integration by parts and partial fractions. The successful completion of Honors Pre-calculus is a prerequisite.

This course is also offered as a Dual Enrollment course through Reading Area Community College. Students who enroll in a Dual Enrollment course pay the cost per credit to Reading Area Community College. Participating universities and colleges may grant transfer credit to students who earn a qualifying grade for the course. For more detailed information about Dual Enrollment, please refer to the opening pages of the Program of Studies.

020      HONORS CALCULUS II                                                               
1 Credit    
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

This course is the continuation of Calculus I. The course begins with a review of methods of integration. Other topics of study include polar coordinates, parametric equations, vectors, partial differentiation, multiple integrals, and infinite series.  The successful completion of Honors Calculus or AP Calculus (AB) is a prerequisite.

011      AP CALCULUS (AB)                                                                     
1 Credit   
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

This course includes those few AP/AB topics not covered in Honors Calculus, a greater emphasis on proof, and AP test preparation.   Topics include review of previous material, limit of a function, continuity, the derivative, the definite integral, differentiation and integration of algebraic and transcendental functions. The successful completion of Honors Pre-calculus is a prerequisite.

021      AP CALCULUS II (BC)                                                                 
1 Credit  
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year


This course covers the C portion of the Advanced Placement BC curriculum. Topics include more advanced methods of integration, sequences and series, differential equations, polar equations, parametric equations, and vector-valued functions. The successful completion of Honors Calculus or AP Calculus (AB) is a prerequisite.

026 ACADEMIC STATISTICS – GRADES 11 - 12        
1 Credit    
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

Academic Statistics is designed to provide a basic understanding of descriptive and inferential statistics including: analyzing data and distributions, data collection; scatter plots and lines of best fit; and probability and decision making. Additional topics include informal inference and the normal distribution will be introduced when time permits for enrichment and extension.  Prerequisites: Juniors must have successfully completed Algebra II and Geometry and scored proficient on the Keystone Algebra exam. Seniors must have successfully completed Algebra I. Juniors and seniors are welcome to take this course as an elective in addition to their required mathematics course.

024      HONORS STATISTICS – GRADES 10 - 12                                
1 Credit   
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

Honors Statistics may be used as an elective choice in the math curriculum. The course introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. The following four themes are emphasized: exploring data, sampling and experimentation, anticipating patterns, and statistical inference. Students use technology, investigations, problem solving, and writing as they build conceptual understanding.  Honors Statistics Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Algebra II with a final grade of an A or B or successful completion of Algebra II with the final grade of an A. Both cases also require a teacher recommendation.

 025     AP STATISTICS – GRADES 10 - 12                                            
1 Credit        
6 Periods/Cycle/All Year

In addition to the required coursework for Honors Statistics, students in AP Statistics will be required to submit additional assignments as well as statistical projects. Each student in this course will also follow the CEEB Advanced Placement syllabus and will take the Advanced Placement Statistics exam in the Spring. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Pre-calculus or successful completion of Honors Algebra II with an ‘A’ average. Both cases also require a teacher recommendation.